Our investigators found the edge that ILS needed.
The night was sultry. A cacophony of ringing exploded inside our headquarters. It was the phone. Integrated Laboratory Systems (ILS), a provider in research and testing services for toxicology, pathology, histology, and environmental and information sciences (whew!), had decided to put the fate of their website in our hands.
They needed a professional design with excellent usability and enough edge to set them apart from their competitors. Our designers spent hours doing their very best detective work, tearing apart the existing site, analyzing the data, and deducing the best way to proceed. Then they leapt into action. After days of toil, they had solved the case.
Next, the design was shipped off to OnWired’s developers, who were already hard at work in their secret lair. Their first step was to kill Joomla and get ILS into something more suited to their needs. Enter ExpressionEngine. After a few tweaks here and a few hacks there, the new site sprang to life. Then, with keyboard-callused fingertips, our developers flipped the almighty DNS switch and introduced ILS’s new web presence to the world.
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