Adobe CS4 Broadcast Review

Foreword I went to bed early last night with butterflies in my stomach, for I knew that on this day – the 23rd of September, 2008 – Adobe Systems would debut yet another new Creative Suite, this time CS4. Yes, it is that time again, and yes, I am that guy (didn’t peg me for a software nerd, did you?). I can’t help it: I get wound up whenever Adobe promises us the creative world with their “new” releases. But why get excited, you wonder. I mean, they do these upgrades every Read More >>

Disappointing Spaces

We got our office copy of Leopard a few weeks ago and I’ve have had some time to give it a spin. Overall I’m very pleased – it feels solid, more polished, and a little more responsive than Tiger. Here’s a quick list of my likes and dislikes: Way to Go, Apple Finder Huge improvements: much faster, and the new source pane is amazing (it looks a lot like iTunes now). It also includes a ‘Shared’ list that displays all the public folders on the network so sending files back and forth is Read More >>

New Rule #1: “Blog” Is a Noun

An Elite Special Ops Merc’s Work is Never Done As part of OnWired’s ongoing mission to rid the web of ugly design(or, in this case, English grammar), we present to you the first in a series: New Rules! “Blog”, as you’ll recall, is short for “weblog”. This is common knowledge, to be sure, but remember: a log, of any kind — web or otherwise — is a noun. A thing. In this case, a thing you read. (Or write.) One does not “blog”, one “reads” or “writes” a blog. ready-made Read More >>

Apple, You’ve Let Me Down

If you know me, you know I love my Apple computers. I’ve been a steady Apple customer for most of my years as a designer. Between work and home, I’ve been the proud owner of an old indigo iMac, two G4 desktops, an iBook, two iPods (a fourth-gen model and a nano), a shiny new 17-inch MacBook Pro, and an iPhone (thanks, Tony!). I will always pick a Mac over a Wintel machine, and I happily suggest to my friends and family that they do the same. I’ve never had a single problem with any of my Read More >>