You don’t need to know how to write great code just to update the content on your website.
We’ll make it easy for you with WordPress.
We’ll make it easy for you with WordPress.
WordPress was first launched in 2003, simply as a tool to blog with. It has since morphed into a heavy hitting full blown Content Management System (CMS).
Now you may, or may not, care how your website is created — but we do and we’ve been using many many different CMS’s over the years. For now, the battle is over and WordPress is holding The Ring.
WordPress is capable of acting as the backbone for all kinds of different websites.
No worrying about finding a developer who specializes in a niche coding platform, there are tons of developers out there who can pick up the torch if another drops it.
WordPress is the Swiss Army Knife of Web Publishing. Need a module or a plugin to run your event or to accept that PayPal payment? No problem, there’s a plugin for that. It’s endless!
With its ‘0ut of the box’ standards compliant code , WordPress makes your site highly attractive to the search engine Gods. With features such as the ability to automatically generate search-friendly URL’s, and the addition of a few plugins, such as the Google XML Site Map and SEO modules, you can ensure you maintain good SEO discipline, giving your site the best chance of good search results.
Play nice on mobile phones? You betcha, the code base is optimized to be responsive out of the gate. That means all those angst ridden teens can buy your wares in between Kik or Snapchat sessions.
Who doesn’t use WordPress is more like it! Hows about the likes of eBay, Mashable, Forbes, TED, the NFL, and the list goes on. Suffice to say — they’re huge and they’re going to be around for a long time.
Well you’ve got your, um, blogs right? And then it jumps the shark to full blown shopping cart sites! You’ve got an events site? No problem, WordPress can run a full blown events site.
Yeah yeah Tony, that’s all great but I’ve got a directory website that took a year to code from scratch, top that! Ok — how about a Directory site, a Classifieds ads, Jobs, and a Knowledge base wrapped into one site — completed in 6 months?! See what I mean — it’s bad ass. (It’s OK, I’m an adult and can say vile words.)
If you’re looking for some highly qualified WordPress designers and developers within the Raleigh Durham area, you’ve just struck gold! Just click the WordPress Please button.
While I personally believe strongly in the philosophy and ideology of the Free Software movement, you can’t win people over just on philosophy; you have to have a better product, too.
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